Strike Freedom Gundam, arguably the most popular mobile suit from the Gundam Seed Destiny anime series, finally gets the Master Grade treatment! This MG kit of Strike Freedom Gundam comes with the same fantastic detail, high quality, and super posability that MG builders would come to expect from Bandai. Strike Freedom Gundam comes armed with its trademark weaponry including the high energy beam rifles, Super Lacerta beam sabers, beam shield, Xiphias rail guns, and its most distinct and powerful weapon of all, the Super Dragoon mobile weapon wings that can extend and detach from the main wing frames. As usual, stickers and custom decal markings are provided along with a custom display base.
MG 093 ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam
MG 093 ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam
Regular price
$79.95 CAD
Regular price
Sale price
$79.95 CAD
Unit price